Q: Why should You/The Brand care about Amazon?
A: Amazon makes Walmart.com and Etsy look like mom and pop shops! The marketshare looks like this: Amazon: 49% Ebay: 4.7% Walmart.com: 5.3% Etsy: 2.7%
That’s how huge of a marketplace Amazon is! Over 100 Million Americans are on Amazon every day. It is a gigantic marketplace that should be utilized for your advantage!
Another compelling reason to care about your presence on Amazon is: It’s a scary time for brands relying on physical stores, now that everything is moving online; and there’s no better place for you to have your products than on Amazon! Especially with its huge customer base, and being the most trusted place to shop online.
Q: What does it cost to work with us?
A: Nothing! Unlike typical marketing agencies who will charge you thousands of dollars in fees to market, optimize, and promote your products like we do – We help you expand your reach and sales on amazon and in return we earn our income buying wholesale from you profitably, and reselling, thereby ensuring our interests are 100% aligned with yours.
Q: I don’t need or want any more amazon sellers!
A: You’re absolutely right! You do NOT need more amazon sellers that do nothing to help your brand, that do not care about your brand, and just have a bunch of sellers that aren’t helping you.
What you do need, is a specialized expert on Amazon that helps make LESS work for you and keeps in contact of how your listings are doing, how many sales you’ve made this month etc. You could seriously benefit by having an Amazon seller of our caliber as a retail partner. At Vibrant Elegance, we do things that will actually increase your sales. All you would have to do is say what would be the next steps for us to sign up as an approved Amazon vendor for your brand!
Q: How does Vibrant Elegance order?
A: We send a Purchase Order to whoever you designate. We always want to purchase and have at least 30 days of inventory so we don’t run out of stock of your products.
Q: Where will you ship your products?
A: We give you the address of a Prep Center for where your products will go. This ensures your products have top-notch care, are correctly packaged and follow all of Amazon’s requirements. The Prep Center will then ship it to the appropriate Amazon fulfillment centers. It requires no extra work on your end!